Thursday, May 29, 2014

Landmine Killed Somali Boy, Two Others Wounded In Football Field

An unnamed little boy of about 7 to 10 years old was blown to death and two other little boys were seriously wounded and are fighting for their lives in the city hospital of Galkayo Somalia, according to Confederation of African Football (CAF) site.

The incident occured as the boys along with other little boys were playing football in a football field in Balanbale - a town that is near the Somali-Ethopian border, when the landmine exploded killing the little boy instantly.

The Somalia Football Federation, reported the tragedy, which took such a young life and wounded a couple of others to the African football governing body earlier this week. Read also:

Isa Hayatou, the President of CAF said, ''It saddens me to hear of such a loss of a young life, that went out to enjoy a game that is so dear to all of us.''

''It is particularly disheartening, because it comes after we have, over the past months, witnessed very positive news on a number of develoment programmes, that have given a lot of hope for the advancement of Somalian football,'' Hayatou said.

''On my own behalf, on bahalf of the CAF Executive Committee and African football family, I send our condolences to CECAFA, the Somalia Football Federation and family of the deceased boy. We wish the injured young players speedy and full recovery,'' the CAF President added.

The Secretary-General of CECAFA, the regional football governing body, Mr Nicholas Musonye, sent message of condolences to the Somali Football Federation, Secretary-General, Abdi Qani Said Arab.

The message read, ''I have learned about the sad news of the death of a young player and the injuries of two others at a football field in Somalia.''

''I stand with you and the family of the dead young boy, during this sad moment,'' Mr Musonye said in his condolence letter.
Read also:

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