Friday, July 11, 2014

Nigeria Is Suspended By FIFA

Nigeria has been suspended by the Fifa Emergency Committee with immediate effect, as a result of what they termed government interference.

The world football governing body cited article 13, para.1 and article 17, para. 1 of the statute of the organisation, which stipulates that member associations must manage their affairs, without the interference of a thrid party.

The suspension was as a result of a court case, brought against the President of Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), NFF Executive Committee members and the NFF Congress.

The Super Eagles Of Nigeria

A high court judge seating in Jos Nigeria, gave an order that the above mentioned officials of NFF, were barred from performing any functions of the organisation, until the case before the court is settled.

The same high court ordered the Nigerian Sports Minister to appoint a care-taker, who will be managing the affairs of the organisation, until the court issue is resolved.

So the Sports Minister appointed a senior official in the organisation, to over-see the functions of the institution. The same official decided to convene an extraordinary general assembly on the 5th of this month, which Fifa says was in violation of the NFF statutes.

Fifa said that the suspension will be lifted, when the court case is withdrawn and NFF Executive Committee is elected, her general assembly and administration could function, without a third party interference.

The suspension means that no team whether national teams or clubs, can participate in any international activities - article 14 para. 3 of the Fifa Statutes. Read also.

The first national team to feel the impact of the suspension will be the Women under - 20. They are suppose to participate in the Fifa Under - 20 Women World Cup starting 5th to 24th August, next month. They can only take part in the Women World Cup, if the suspension is lifted by 15th July.

Fifa statement also said that no official of NFF or its member could benefit from any Fifa or CAF programmes, courses or training during the suspension.

The Nigeria Sports Council said today, that they are doing everything possible to get the suspension lifted. They claimed that the suspension was as a result of mis-understanding, that they have sent delegation to Fifa to explain clearly what actually happened.

And that there was no government interference as Fifa had believed. They claimed, that the government was not involved in the court case at all.
So let us all wait and see, what will be the out-come of their visitation to the Fifa headquarters in Zurich. Cheers.

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