Friday, August 23, 2013

Football Agents To Take Exams In South Africa

The South African Football Association, (SAFA), will be conducting examination on the 26th of September for aspiring football players' agents, according to the statement in the organisation's website.

It says that every applicant is required to fill a form, get a personal tax clearance from South African Revenue Service (SARS) and also a clearance from the South African Police Service SAPS), with two passport photos.

All candidates are also required to submit the documents with a fee of R5,000 (€365) payable to the SAFA account.

Miss Pinky Lehoko, the SAFA director of international affairs, said that the organisation is ready for the examination. She said that the examination is conducted  twice in a year - March and September.

The examination will be based on applicants knowledge of SAFA regulations and FIFA regulations.


"We have two exams in a year - in March  and September. Anyone aspiring to become an agent, must thoroughly learn and comprehend SAFA regulations, FIFA statutes, FIFA players agent regulations on the  status and transfer of players," Lehoko said.

The examination will take place at the South African Football Association  headquarters (SAFA House).

I think that this is a good idea. Often times you read of players, who are entangled in a bad situation that threatens their career, because their agents are incompetent, and does not know much about the rules and regulations, governing players transfer.

And in situations like that, the career of the player will be in the balance. If all the agents knows the rules and regulations very well, the problems will be curtailed immensely.

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