Monday, August 26, 2013

Saintfiet Acusses Keshi of Racism

Tom Saintfiet, the Belgium born Malawi coach, has accused Stephen Keshi, the coach of the Super Eagles of Nigeria, of racism. He said that it is unacceptable and that he is 100% sure that his lawyer will be filing a complaint to FIFA.

The Belgian said that the words that Keshi used in the interview about him was clear racism and that it was unacceptable.

In an interview with an African TV based in the UK called Vox Africa's Sports 360, Keshi was asked in a telephone interview for his reaction to Mr Saintfiet request to FIFA to change the venue of the World Cup decider in Calabar. Keshi replied that he thinks that the Malawi coach was crazy.

Stephen Keshi   (Nigeria Coach)
"I think the coach of Malawi is crazy. If he wants to talk to FIFA, he should go back to Belgium. He is not an African person, he is a white dude, he should go back to Belgium," Stephen Keshi answered.

He added, "I have never used any words like these to any coach. He has no right, who is he? The Nigeria coach went on and said that when Nigeria went to other countries, that the Super Eagles played in any place their host selected for the match without complaint. He mentioned Kenya and Namibia etc. He said that in Namibia, Nigeria played in artificial turf.

Keshi said that Calabar is one of the safest places in Nigeria and that other countries have played in Calabar without any problem. He also said that Saintfiet is mad and that he wish he could say it to him face to face.

"All other countries play in Calabar. Calabar is one of the safest places in Nigeria. He is mad. I wish I could say it to his face."

Keshi said that Saintfiet has never been to Calabar and never border to check for himself, if it was safe or not, instead he started making comments that the place is not safe according to commonwealth office in London.

The Malawi coach said that he was shocked at Keshi's comment. He said that he will not say any bad word about Keshi or Nigeria, that he only asked that the match be moved to Abuja or another country.

"I will not say any bad words about Mr Keshi, or Nigeria. I only spoke about moving the game.

Saintfiet said that, he is against racism and that, if FIFA is serious about tackling racism, they should consider it in both directions. He said, that if an European said something like what Keshi said about an African, there would be a big problem.

"I am against racism in all directions. If FIFA takes racism seriously, then you have to take it seriously in both directions. If a European said something of this nature, about an African, you would have a huge problem," he said.

After Saintfiet and Football Association of Malawi, wrote to FIFA to change the venue, because the Foreign and commonwealth office in London said, that Calabar is no go area. FIFA then delved into the matter and was satisfied, with the assurances from the security department responsible, and conluded that since matches were played there continually, without any problem, the venue Calabar remains the place for the match.

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