Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ineligible Players Worries FIFA

The world football governing body - FIFA has said that, the increase in the number of ineligible players, used by some African countries, is a great source of concern to the organisation. During the 2014 World Cup qualification matches, some countries used banned players.

Inspite of severe punishment of forfeiture of the match, with 3 - 0 and the three points awarded to the opponents, the trend seem to be on the increase.

The FIFA director of competitions, Mr Mustapha Fahmy, who happened to be the former secretary-general of Confederation of African Football (CAF), said in the CAF website, that this problem is only happening in Africa, and that FIFA was going to deliberate on the issue.

''We have noted with some concern what has happened with a number of teams falling foul to the rules of the competition, which are clearly spelt out.''

''This only happened with one continent, Africa... others like Europe, Asia or South America did not experience the same problems, where disciplinary action had to be taken.

''We need to look into what happened and work on finding solutions and ways to assist (and avoid) similar occurances in future,'' he said.

He added, ''We will come up with possible solutions and discuss them in our courses with member associations.

''We are always looking to improve and provide better organistion for all our competitions,'' Mr Fahmy said.


It is pertinent to note here, that about eight African countries ran foul of the rules of the competition, during this World Cup qualification matches for Brazil 2014. And inspite of FIFA's punishment of forfeitures, with 3 - 0 and three points awarded to the opponents, the problem continued.

Cape Verde Island, paid dearly for fielding an ineligible player in their last qualifier match against Tunisia, in which they won 2 - 0 and qualified for the play-offs. The Cape Verdians finished on top of the table, and qualified for the play-offs, but FIFA punishment came with 3 - 0 and three points deduction.

 Tunisia was awarded three points, which took them from second position to the first, so they qualified for the play-offs instead. Tunisia will be playing Cameroon in the play-offs in October and November.

The latest country in hot water for this problem is Liberia. FIFA
Disciplinary Committee, has opened proceedings against Liberian Football Association for allegedly, using an ineligible player in the World Cup qualifier match, against Angola on the September 7.

Angola won the match 4 - 1, but finished third on the table while Liberia finished fourth. FIFA has invited the Liberian Football Association, to come and defend themselves with any necessary documents or evidence pertaining to the case.

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