Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Malawi Makes A U-Turn Over Calabar

The Football Association of Malawi (FAM), has made a u-turn in their objection to Calabar, being used as the host city and U. J. Esuene Stadium, for the world cup qualifing decider match against Nigeria, this Saturday, the 7th of September, 2013.

Mr Suzgo Nyirenda, the secretary-general of the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) and the organisation's accoutant, Mr Christopher Mdoloto, formed a the two-man team sent to Calabar to inspect the city and stadium, the association so vehemently opposed to being used for the important duel.

After their inspection visit to Calabar, the secretary, Mr Nyirenda, said to the media, and also in their website, that FAM was happy with the conditions in Nigeria ahead of the Flames and Super Eagles 2014 World Cup qualifying decider match on Saturday.

 "NFF has provided every support required and there are no stone unturned in making sure that all is set for the game."

Nyirenda said while in Nigeria, "Everyone in Calabar is talking about the game and the game fever is so high here."

The FAM secretary said of the U. J. Esuene stadium, Calabar, the venue of the match, "It was inaugurated in April 1977 and it has a capacity of 25,000 less like CIVO stadium.

"The stadium which has been upgraded to include a multi modern electronic video matrix scoreboard and floodlights, is in the centre of Calabar.

"It is a multi-purpose stadium. The match will kickoff at 4pm (5pm Malawi time).

"The Malawi team which is expected to arrive on Thursday, will train at UNICA stadium (University of Calabar). So far the NFF has managed to be on top of things, which we had highlighted in the letter to FIFA," he said.

The city of Calabar and the stadium was what caused the hostile war of words between coaches Tom Saintfiet of Malawi and Stephen Keshi of Nigeria.

 The criticism of Calabar by Saintfiet and FAM was so much that the association wrote to FIFA to move the match to Abuja or another country for security reasons.Read the two articles on the, Keshi Reacts To Malawi Coach Comment and Saintfiet Accuses Keshi of Racism.

The Football Association of Malawi did what they should have done in the first place and that was to send a team to go and inspect the venue for themselves and not solely rely on what the Uk foreign and commonwealth office said.

It seem like FAM decided to send a team after FIFA confirmed that the place where other countries have played against Nigeria was safe and security Chief, (Inspector General of Police) pledged to provide adequate security for both teams and accommodations.

Anyway, it is good that the issue has been settled before the match. Though the issue between Keshi and Saintfiet is not yet resolved. Last week FIFA confirmed to the media, that they received Mr Saintfiet's
complaint of racism by Stephen Keshi. FIFA said that they have not deal with the complaint.

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