Friday, September 27, 2013

The Louisiana State's Boxing and Wrestling Commission, has enacted an emergency rule, banning Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) women fighters, with breast implants from competing in any state scheduled bouts.

However, the rule stated that fighters, who wants to participate in a bout in the state, must produce a clearance from the doctor, who performed their surgery.

Woman with Breast Implants (O.Shapoval - Dreamtimes)
The new rule covers boxing and mixed martial arts, but not wrestling, which is also a combating sport under the control and regulation of the commission.

The commissioner of the organisation, Mr Harold Williams, said during the meeting, that those who want to look good, should not be in the fighting ring. In order words, one cannot be aiming to appear beautiful and be combating in a brutal sport.

''If they want to look good, then they don't have to be in the ring,'' he said.

What prompted the organisation to act and make such rule now, was that a woman fighter, who was scheduled for a fight in the state, withdrew from the match, due to a problem she was having with her breast implants.


The Commission decided to act, fearing the financial implications, if a woman develops breast implants problem in a fighting ring.

According to The New Orleans Times-Picayune, the rule was temporary (60 days), as the Commission collects more information on the issue.

Louisiana is the first state in the United Satates, to make such a ban. Maybe some of the other states will follow there example. Breast implants can be very dangerous and life threatening, if it starts to lick, or even got bursted in a bout.

I fully understand the nervousness of the commission on the issue.
It was the correct decision to take, before any disaster takes place in a fight.
What do you think? Do you think that the commission was correct to act.
Please, use the comment link to post your reaction to the ban. Thanks.

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